Watch Your Language!

by | Jun 6, 2010 | 0 comments

After coaching people for the last ten years I have noticed that often we fall in love with what we hate. Time after time I meet with people who do not like their current situation and are ready to make a change. They come up with a new plan to make a living doing something they love. Yet, over and over again during the meetings they spend all the time talking about their current job, boss, or work situation – complaining about how things are today. I find myself over and over again saying, “let’s get back to the plan and stop focusing on what you are trying to get away from.”  If this is you, watch your language! Focus on solutions and plans, not complaining and blaming!

These are just some of the ideas Dale Callahan talks about in his new book “Company of One”, due out this Fall. (Update – The book’s title when it was released was “Resumes are Worthless” instead of  “Company of One“)

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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