How to Sell a Lexus

by | Jun 7, 2010 | 0 comments

In his book The Success Principles, Jack Canfield tells about a friend of his who owns a Lexus dealership in Southern California. In the first Gulf War the economic uncertainty resulted in a reduced demand for luxury cars.  All the dealers knew it, and just accepted this EXTERNAL EVENT.

But his friend did not accept defeat so easily. He had his sales people take a fleet of cars to the yacht clubs, the golf courses, and the country clubs. They would let the people drive the cars around for a while just for fun. And you know what happened – when they got back in their own cars that did not smell as clean or seem quite as nice – the Lexus’s were sold.

You don’t have to settle for the hand you’re dealt. If you can’t win at poker, play a different game. Your actions will determine where things go for you.

These are just some of the ideas Dale Callahan talks about in his new book “Company of One”, due out this Fall.

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Dale Callahan

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