Your favorite subject – YOU.

You talk about YOU.

You think about YOU.

You tell people about YOU.

I want to talk about ME!

Right? This is the way you SHOULD do, especially when your are operating as your personal Chief Marketing Officer! But YOU are SO mistaken!


If you want people to listen to you, consider you for a position, hire you for a contract, you need to QUIT talking about your favorite subject. In fact, you need to STOP TALKING.

Instead, get them to do the talking! Or at least get them thinking about them!

This is the premise for Dale Carnegie’s famous book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” In simple terms,


if you want people to like you, get them to talk about themselves! 

And I will add the Dale Callahan corallary.

People only do business with people they like!

(OK perhaps I cannot take credit for that, but it is my blog)


BTW – This is one of the MAIN reasons [amazon-product text=”resumes ARE worthless” type=”text”]1456496433[/amazon-product]! Look at yours, who does it talk about? Do I care?

About the Author

Dale Callahan

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