
Podcast Episodes

The Company of One Podcast with Dale Callahan

096: Doubt, Fear, and Indecision [Podcast]

096: Doubt, Fear, and Indecision [Podcast]

Are you suffering from doubt, fear, and indecision? I am. In fact, I have been for some time. It is a dark and deep hole. I have been wondering where to go next. It is not a matter of work alone - it is much deeper. For the past few years I have even turned into a...

095: Who You Spend Time With Is Who You Become  [Podcast]

095: Who You Spend Time With Is Who You Become [Podcast]

Do you like who you are when you are with your friends? Jim Rohn, business philosopher, says that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. I totally agree with this, and I have seen it modeled in my own life. If you look around, I am sure you...

094: Should I Charge for My Services [Podcast]

094: Should I Charge for My Services [Podcast]

A recent message to my voicemail (message played on the podcast) was challenging me on why I charge for my service when so many people were in need. The question reflected what I often hear from people starting in business “Should I Charge for my services?” "Creative...

090: Dealing with Overwhelm [Podcast]

090: Dealing with Overwhelm [Podcast]

Overwhelmed? Recently, I spent some time in Dallas with members of my mastermind team and one topic that kept coming up over and over was the feeling of being overwhelmed. So, we decided to take an hour out and talk about strategies for dealing with overwhelm by...

089: A Career Founded by Pain [Podcast]

089: A Career Founded by Pain [Podcast]

When we think of ways to make a living, we often get stuck on our training, our college degree, and our past work history. But, many careers have been started out of raw personal experiences. Today I interview one of those career changers - Steve Ozanich, - who went...

088: Ship It – The Critical Sales Path [Podcast]

088: Ship It – The Critical Sales Path [Podcast]

One of the biggest challenges with new businesses is they are slow to start. Once the decision is made - you must get products on the market as soon as possible. Seth Godin uses the term "SHIP IT" often. Seth is trying to say "It will never be perfect, you must ship...

087: How to Do an Opportunity Analysis [Podcast]

087: How to Do an Opportunity Analysis [Podcast]

So you have a business idea. Want to find out if you have a good idea and can really make money? Well it is a simple process I call Opportunity Analysis. An opportunity analysis allows you to get some idea of the size of the market and then to get a reasonable view of...

086: How to Find a Good Business Idea [Podcast]

086: How to Find a Good Business Idea [Podcast]

The dream of many across the world is to own their own business. Everyday many industrious people all over the world are exploring business ideas. I want to help you in your explore to find ideas that  fit your personality AND also will make you money. "Creative...

085: How to Keep Someone from Stealing Your Idea [Podcast]

085: How to Keep Someone from Stealing Your Idea [Podcast]

How do you keep someone from stealing your idea? This is one of the most frequent questions I get from budding entrepreneurs. Here is my common sense advice that will help you move past being frozen without totally abandoning common sense. "Creative Commons" by...

084: My Most Popular Shows of 2014 [Podcast]

084: My Most Popular Shows of 2014 [Podcast]

In my annual review, I wanted to find my most popular shows of 2014. Why would you care? First, many of you are content creators and I wanted to show you how I find new ideas. Second, it is just fun to learn what others are thinking. So here is a quick review of my...

082: Developing Clarity in Your Questions [Podcast]

082: Developing Clarity in Your Questions [Podcast]

Want answers and solutions to your problems? Then FIRST you must get clarity in your questions. As I sit here reviewing my interactions with you and others from last year, I realize that most people are very unclear in their questions when they approach me. Instead of...

080: Avoiding Overwhelm [Podcast]

080: Avoiding Overwhelm [Podcast]

Do you feel overwhelmed? Just a few days ago I was sitting ready to get to work, looking at a list of things to do. But the list was huge and some of the individual items seemed overwhelming on their own. I sat for some time staring at them and wondering what to do...

079: 5 Ways to Create Productive Thinking Times [Podcast]

079: 5 Ways to Create Productive Thinking Times [Podcast]

The most successful people I know spend time to think. Like us, they are busy, have families and responsibilities, so they have to find ways to force thinking time into their schedule. Why? They know success is tied to thinking and action. Action can be easy, but...