Are you preparing for a change? A change in career? Perhaps even an entrepreneurial venture? Are you preparing to make the change successfully? Do you even know how to prepare? Today we talk to Eric Roberge with Beyond Your Hammock. Eric focuses on helping people...
064: 4 Common Mistakes Made in the Informational Interview [Podcast]
Most people go after a new job the way we have always done it. They find an advertised opening, send a resume, and wait. They might also throw in a few job fairs. The end result is that they end up talking to HR, if anyone at all. This is a entirely frustrating and...
061: 5 Tips Guaranteed to Help You in Overcoming Your Fear of Networking [Podcast]
Do you have a fear of networking? When I was in college and looking for a job, I was told networking was the key to success. So, I put on a suit and tie and headed off to a local networking event. Fear set in. On the way to the event I could hardly grip the wheel of...
060: Five Takeaways from Boost Leadership Conference [Podcast]
Last week I went to Dallas to assist Michael Nichols with the Boost Leadership Conference. It was a great time to connect with him and others (most who are part of my mastermind group), but in the conference I learned a few things about leadership and relationships. I...
059: Five Ways to Deal with Office Politics [Podcast]
Office politics creates more personal frustration than work and work schedules will ever create. Today I will share five ways to deal with office politics - five practical things you can do not matter how nasty the situation. While I doubt there are any big secrets...
054: Getting Started in Business | Why You Need to Build an Email List NOW [Podcast]
In todays podcast I will tell you why you need to build an email list. And, why you need to start now. If you have created your website, as I described in establishing authority episode 52, now it is time to take this next step. Do not make the mistake I did, and so...
051: 7 Powerful Questions (Number 5 Can Make You More Money) [Podcast]
I have learned to talk less and instead ask powerful questions. When I was in the corporate world, I realized quickly that I could not compete with those who spoke in corporate lingo. You know, those who say a whole bunch and sound smart but really they are saying...
050: Finding Your Why [Podcast]
Finding your why? We might also say finding our mission or finding our purpose. But I like “finding your why.” The WHY gets to the core of things. Why do you do what you do? What would you do if you were really driven by your why? Photo courtesy of Flickr/Creative...
049: Dealing with Ineffective Team Members | Are You Making These Mistakes? [Podcast]
I bet dealing with ineffective team members is something you struggle with constantly. Whether you are on a team, leading a team, or leading a group of teams, one of your greatest challenges is not getting the work done, but instead dealing with those team members who...
048: How to Create and Run a Mastermind Group | Interview with Jonathan Milligan [Podcast]
Mastermind groups are the magic bullet for success. I have found the only people who do mastermind groups, and continue to do them over time, succeed. But, over the years I have struggled to find good groups. Most people do not want to commit or will bail out soon...
Results of My 2013 Survey
Last week I asked for your feedback. Part of me expected no one to take the survey. But I was pleased, and humbled, to see the response and the feedback. Many of you shared specific information that helps me understand why you read the posts or listen to the podcasts....
Please Take My 2013 Reader Survey
I want to make my blog better and more relevant to your needs and interests. To do that, I need to know more about YOU. As a result, I have created my 2013 Reader Survey. Would you please take a few minutes to fill out the survey? By doing so, you will ultimately be...
Reverse Interview Questions | There Are Only Three
Without question, the reverse interview or informational interview is the most effective method for finding a job. Reverse interview questions have continually opened up doors for my clients to new jobs - often creating jobs. (See my post on Finding Hidden Jobs) One...
028: How to Find a Job in a Startup Company [Podcast]
Do you want to start your own business and live as an entrepreneur? Are you afraid you do not know the ropes enough to get started? Or would you just rather get a job in a startup company so you can be more where the action is and feel less like a cog-in-the-wheel?...
027: I Love My Job – Interview with Sally Murray or Atlanta Egoscue [Podcast]
This week I have Sally Murray as a guest. Sally is one of those rare people who found her calling early, so now she can truly say "I love my job". She is owner of the Egoscue Clinic in Atlanta. I have been a client of Sally's for about 18 months, and have found her to...
Freedom or Guilt
I think I was brainwashed by the system. I am sitting on my front porch at 10 am writing this article, and I feel as if I am doing something wrong. Shouldn't I be in a stuffy office under fluorescent lights 2+ hours into my work day? Shouldn't I have driven to the...
024: Personal Branding: Showing Them You are a Leader [Podcast]
This week we complete the three part series on personal branding. In the first two we dealt with first impressions and actions. Episode 022 - Personal Branding from First Impressions - Controlling that critical first impression Episode 023 - Personal Branding from...
023: Personal Branding from Your Actions [Podcast]
Last week I started a three part series on personal branding with the subject of first impressions. Today we consider how your actions define your brand. Photo courtesy of Flickr/Creative Commons/flickrfavorites [/featured-image] Click to Listen ...