Passive income from information products is history. Or, as Jerry (a devoted listener) put it "In a world where the value of information appears to be in rapid decline due [to] the sheer volume of web-based information and the extent to which such information is free...
040: Make Your Goals Actually Happen [Podcast]
How can you make your goals actually happen? Setting goals is the easy part. You experience fun and excitement as you envision the things you will do and become. Yet, keeping your goals on track for the next year is the hard part. Between now and the arching of the...
039: The Light of Christ [Podcast]
Merry Christmas! Years ago, someone asked me a question which I struggled with for some time, which I will now ask you: "Can you see light?" She wanted to know if we saw things with our eyes by using light, could we actually see light. What do you think? (I will...
038: Setting Goals for Next Year [Podcast]
When I was a teenager, my father decided we would build a A-Frame cabin on the lake. Over the next few years, I spent some mostly wonderful times heading up to a lake house every weekend morning. When we were not building, we were planning and preparing to build. One...
037: Debriefing: Five Key Questions to Plan for Next Year [Podcast]
Don't live last year over again! Last year may have been wonderful, a dismal failure, or just a minor disappointment. Either way, you do not want to experience the same thing again. You want to grow. You want new challenges and new successes. So, before you jump into...
036: The Anatomy of a Business Failure [Podcast]
Wonder what it looks like when a business fails? After all, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration, the failure rate of small businesses is well over 50% within the first five years. I personally disagree with that failure rate, but that is a blog post...
035: Planning for Next Year | The Best Year Ever [Podcast]
Are you planning for next year? Usually at the start of a new year, I get overwhelmed. It is then when I start to do planning and think about the year ahead. Would it not have been better to start early? So this year I am doing my annual planning in December - and I...
034: Passion to Profits | Interview with Cliff Ravenscraft – The Podcast Answer Man [Podcast]
While I was at Platform in Dallas, I got a chance to sit down and talk with Cliff Ravenscraft who is otherwise known as "The Podcast Answer Man." If you are familiar with Cliff and have heard his story, you will get to hear more in depth his path to finding his...
033: Breaking Out of Corporate – Interview with Marcin Kwiecinski [Podcast]
Today I bring you an interview with someone who has experience breaking out of corporate life and starting his own business. I have been absent a few weeks. I took a blogging sabbatical. Have you ever tried that - a sabbatical from the normal? I suspect some of my...
032: Why You Need to Start Your Own Business Now [Podcast]
I have recently been convicted that small business ownership is not for just a few; it is for all. In this podcast, I want to share with you some of the reasons why you need to start your own business now. I am consistently meeting people who struggle with finding...
031: Create a Vision | Paint a Picture of Your Future [Podcast]
What will you be doing in five years? Ten years? What will you have achieved? It is up to you to create a vision for your future. Unfortunately, most people have no vision for their future. So, here I will show you how to write one. Photo courtesy of Flickr/Creative...
030: Networking Within The Company [Podcast]
Networking within your company may sound like a job for boring suck-ups. And, if you do it wrong, it is boring and makes you appear slimy. But if done right, you get significant benefits and rewards.
029: How to Determine Your Value at Work – In Dollars [Podcast]
What if your value at work was measured in dollars? What if someone took how much value you added to the company and subtracted it from how much you cost in salary and benefits? Someone is. But, do you know what the numbers are? Do you know your value? In this podcast...
028: How to Find a Job in a Startup Company [Podcast]
Do you want to start your own business and live as an entrepreneur? Are you afraid you do not know the ropes enough to get started? Or would you just rather get a job in a startup company so you can be more where the action is and feel less like a cog-in-the-wheel?...
027: I Love My Job – Interview with Sally Murray or Atlanta Egoscue [Podcast]
This week I have Sally Murray as a guest. Sally is one of those rare people who found her calling early, so now she can truly say "I love my job". She is owner of the Egoscue Clinic in Atlanta. I have been a client of Sally's for about 18 months, and have found her to...
026: How to Tell if Your Idea is a True Opportunity [Podcast]
Weekly I am approached with new ideas for businesses. Ideas are easy, but few find true opportunity. Determining the difference between an idea and an opportunity is a critical first step in the evaluation of a business's potential. Let me show you how I perform an...
025: Three Success Lifestyles [Podcast]
When I went to college and started work, I learned about one lifestyle. It was confirmable and predictable. But it also was not for me. Since then I have found three very different lifestyles being lived out before me. Each one offers its own measure of success and...
024: Personal Branding: Showing Them You are a Leader [Podcast]
This week we complete the three part series on personal branding. In the first two we dealt with first impressions and actions. Episode 022 - Personal Branding from First Impressions - Controlling that critical first impression Episode 023 - Personal Branding from...